About Us

About Us image of people in a meeting explaining about Stepping Stone Edu

The Stepping Stone Edu & PatentsFree.com project

The greatest reclamation and recycling program ever undertaken!” We take billions in thrown away patent garbage and bring them back from the dead! Let the resurrections commence!

What about us?

Stepping Stone Edu (SSE) is a national educational reform and patent and intellectual property reclamation project. SSE developed to assist Student and Veterans (past, present & future) to complete their studies. SSE Students graduate with an employment position in a new Start-up company of their own creation.

We are both, a Student and Veteran based Co-op program. Also a University based job and company creation initiative. SSE will reclaim thousands of dormant, abandoned, expired, in-force or withdrawn patents and patent applications. Utilizing these FREE to use patents, and intellectual properties, Students and Veterans, along with industry professionals, Mentors, Inventors, and school Faculty and Alumni form Start-ups.

The Stepping Stone project seeks to exploit in excess of 350,000 dormant, abandoned and/or expired patents as granted to U.S. Universities, Colleges and private sector citizens and enterprises. Conservatively we estimate the loss to U.S. Taxpayers at approximately $1,000,000.00 U.S. per patent. These figures represent a low ball estimate of over $350,000,000,000.00 (that’s $350 Billion!) in lost Taxpayers’ dollars. This figure is likely trillions in long term economic losses due to the failure of these institutions to place these inventions into the global market in a timely manner as mandated by the U.S. Government. All sponsored with public funding (tax dollars!).

The Problem –

With unemployment at an all-time high the U.S. needs jobs to curb recession. Its Students need an education with an end goal in their chosen field of study, not more loan debt. The University patent and patent transfer system is clearly broken hemorrhaging tax dollars to no foreseeable end. This proposal explains how to right and unite these situations. Stepping Stone Edu proposes to create an incentive based program that realizes the full potential for Student and Veterans. Our focus is on education and long term employment in a Students chosen field of study, and the forming of Student based Newco’s. Initially we intend to target and exploit tax payer sponsored research and issued patents created by HEI’s (Higher Education Institutions) aka, public Universities and Colleges. It is the intent of Stepping Stone to see Students graduate with employment from Postsecondary programs of all disciplines.

Students routinely graduate with a heavy burdensome Student loan debt that often bankrupts them. Why? Mainly because jobs in their chosen fields are few and far between. Stepping Stone intends for them to graduate with the keys to their own destiny in the form of an already established Newco. These companies will be backed with one or more University, College, Public, or Private sector born patents, and intellectual properties.

Students routinely study from 2-4 years and work on the research and development of patents. Typically, when a Student graduates, the patent they worked so hard to develop is shelved by the University. Statistically most just go off to die a long slow death at the expense of the Taxpayer.

The Solution –

Why graduate with a diploma when you should be graduating with a job? Not only a job, but a job in your chosen field. A job that carries on the work you helped initiate by working on an invention that was filed for patent at Taxpayers’ expense. As a company needs many skill sets to operate successfully, Stepping Stone intends for groups of Students to graduate with the rights to a given patent or patents.

Realizing that no one program or project is the answer to the worlds problems, we do believe that Stepping Stone Edu is a great first step! Please click here to learn more about us and the solutions we propose.

image of letter from President Joe Biden and the Whitehouse - Student Loan Debt Reduction - Apply Today!  - About

To discover even more about us, and how you can become directly involved, please contact us directly. Let’s chat about how you and your new Team can benefit from creating your new Start-up company backed by an impressive patent and intellectual property portfolio.

Why graduate with just a diploma and heavy Student loan debt? Now you and your Team can leave school as Founders of an exciting new Start-up company. Yours will be Investor friendly, investment ready, and prepared for battle through your hard-earned studies.

Are you ready to tackle the global market place!