Industry Resources for all your intellectual property searching needs. – United States Patent & Trademark Office – less functional patent and trademark searching.

W.I.P.O. – World Intellectual Property Organization – limited patent searching for global properties in all patent States.

Inter-Sphere Productions inc. – We can provide your Start-up with advice on many levels.

If you or your company would like to be added as a Stepping Stone Edu open source network Resource provider please contact us today! As a registered “Resource Service Provider” you can offer your services to any number of SSEdu Start-up Teams as each comes on line and joins our network.

We are seeking to sign reputable individuals with business and product development related skills. Work you own deal and create one job after another for you and or your company!

Ready to get started?

Short Disclaimer to those seeking advice and looking to hire a company and or an individual – You should always vette those who you connect with to sell or trade your skills, not just here, but in all business engagements where your money and or your services are at stake! Be scam aware!

To the best of our knowledge those companies and individuals posted here have been vetted by SSEdu but that is NOT a guarantee of their ability to deliver what they promise! Be scam aware!

Please check back frequently as this page will change often and grow rapidly. Happy resourcing!