Filming our Pilot:
This television/webcast pilot series is based on the revival of multiple in-force, dormant and or abandoned patents and intellectual properties. Our end goal is to help Students and Veterans create innumerable new occupational opportunities (jobs). We will demonstrate in a live produced television/internet simulcast series of competitions how the great economic loss of discarded scientific discoveries will be reclaimed and profited from.
Our mentored Start-ups are built from groups of graduate, post-graduate and Veteran Students brought together to share their business knowledge. In many cases they will be continuing the work on intellectual property they contributed to while attending school.
Contestants are chosen from amongst millions now paying down high interest student loans while remaining unemployed post-graduation. Optimally, in their paid field of study, Qualified candidates will form efficient co-operative profit generating Start-up companies. Student teams chose any number of dormant intellectual properties and patents. Using these existing unlicensed technologies the goal is to to invent new products and services. The wining Team will be judged on serval merits. Originality, Novelty, and Creativity amongst them.
Where documentary meets game show!
In a traditional game show setting the winners will be judged by our distinguished panel and a Jury of their Peers. Their Peers will include fellow Students and the global online audience. The winning team will be offered a Start-up prize package. (to be determined) A reward system is also being considered for outside influence/audience participation.
The Foundation will initially create a pilot mentoring environment for those finding little chance of employment post-graduation.
Your support:
We will first fund, and then schedule to film our Pilot program for television and webcast. Our Pilot will feature competing H.E.I.’s. (Higher Education Institutions) that will endorse their Students and Veteran Students for participation. To that end, we currently seek Universities and Colleges qualified to co-produce the Pilot and subsequent episodes while directing their Student Teams. Together we will enhance the look and feel of the programming, episode by episode to define its detailed mechanism. Our end goal is to surpass the television and webcast medium and one day see this program, or a derivative thereof becoming a normal part of everyday education at over 4500 H.E.I.’s nationwide.
To achieve this milestone:
We are creating a non-committal Advisory Board with specialized Committees. Join us in selecting qualified Student and Veteran candidates, and eventually the winners. Please contact us directly to participate in our mentoring program, or becoming a member of our Panels of Judges.
Please also consider sending us a letter of support and joining us through sponsoring Team prize rewards.
The inaugural Pilot of the Stepping Stone television/webcast project begins with a call for entries. This is an open call to all recent graduate, and post graduate Students and Veterans interested in participating.
The initial proposed categories:
Initially Teams will create Start-up’s operating in one of the following categories:
- Green Energies and reducing causes & effects of Climate changes
- Food production feeding the whole Planet with sustainable distribution
- Forest and Farmland reclamation
- Waterway restoration and reclamation
- Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
- Existing Industrial processes and emissions reduction
- Medical Practices and Research including Pandemic Prevention
- Infrastructure including structural engineering
Additional categories will follow as additional episodes are produced.
The role of Patents & I.P. in the Pilot competition:
Competing Teams can use as many expired or abandoned patents as they choose. They may also petition any University, or private citizen Inventor to secure the rights to in-force patents. Acting as mentors this plan will include (at their discretion) as Team Members, multiple inventors. Preferably those who originally worked on the contributing patent(s). We will mentor and assist each Team during this process.
Initially the Foundation will appoint a Patent committee. It will assist each Start-up in choosing and securing in-force, dormant or abandoned patents. Preferably these I.P.’s will be related to the main categories of interest. Our panel of experts, and the Webcast audience can also be consulted by each Team for their expertise. From the patent choosing process, right on through Start-up, product development to market, we are in it for the long haul!
Determining the Winners:
The winners of the TV webcast competition will be decided by our panel of Judges with input from the webcast audience. The winning criteria is decided from which Team makes best use of a combination intellectual properties to create new inventions. Inventions can include; devices, processes, and or services that qualify as invention ideas. This strategy seeks to make each Teams venture even more investor friendly. These new inventions will serve to grow their Start-ups intellectual property portfolio.
The Categories’ role in the Pilot Competition:
For the Pilot show, our preliminary social media drive will help determine which of the above mentioned categories will be the focus for our launch.
Choosing from their preferred category, Candidates will appear in front of our Judges to explain their category choices and patent selection(s). Their goal is to demonstrate how their selected I.P.’s fit their plans to create a Start-up. More importantly, how will their new patents serve to create jobs for themselves and their future Teammates.
Those not selected as Winners still benefit from their participation as Members of the Stepping Stone Start-up development network. Briefly, this is a network of all Team participants with the goal to share resources and help each other reduce barriers to market. More info on the proposed co-op development network will be available upon request after the Pilot production.

Additional Production and Distribution notes:
Feature length educational versions will be produced with an emphasis on “On-air” mentoring sessions. These productions will be available free for distribution to all H.E.I.’s (Universities & Colleges) and Students and Veterans in general.
“Stepping Stone Edu – The Show” and related Webcast events can be locally produced at any H.E.I., in any State or City, and can be syndicated for National, and international distribution.
Follow-up Stepping Stone projects will feature post graduate Students & Student Veterans. Those who have long since graduated but who are still indebted with their education loans will expand the shows audience growing its popularity, and social following.
The end goal?
To see the Stepping Stone Edu pilot project be adopted as curriculum by every higher educational institution nationwide. Optimally we plan for SSE to become a regular choice of study for millions current, and soon to be indebted Students and Veterans.
We look forward to your participation and thank you in advance for considering your involvement in this innovative and important job creation, and student loan reduction project.
Thanks for reading, your advice and support are of great value.
Sincere regards,
Georges Leclere